But the negotiations promise to be difficult, and government officials have grown increasingly defiant this week, feeling that a victory over the strikers is at hand.
Lindy, who has always been a stubborn, willful child, becomes increasingly defiant as a teenager, and one day, she just leaves home - and doesn't return.
It has also been suggested that a "backstop" of hardcore smokers has been reached: those unmotivated and increasingly defiant in the face of further legislation.
After the police tried to place a woman in a police car the crowd confronted the officers who went back into the club to avoid the increasingly defiant crowd.
The government is growing increasingly defiant, an indication of difficult negotiations to come for the opposition.
Zimbabwe has been on alert for weeks in the face of increasingly defiant protests.
Though the 1692 agreement to peace was bloodless, in the years that followed de Vargas maintained increasingly severe control over the increasingly defiant Pueblo.
Proud little Jerusalem grew increasingly defiant, and, now, the dreaded Babylonian war machine was lighting up the suburban sky with some very nonentertaining fireworks.
How Bonilla, a sensitive and increasingly defiant clubhouse character, will handle his second psychodrama in Queens is intriguing.
Dr. Karadizc, despite his indictment for war crimes, has become increasingly defiant in recent weeks.