The couple's experience is increasingly commonplace.
The notion of paying people to do quality control has become increasingly commonplace in all service industries and is especially key in the hotel business.
Traumatic changes are becoming increasingly commonplace as school systems nationwide seek to improve student learning by giving teachers a greater role in educational decision making.
Attacks on him in the British press are increasingly commonplace.
Hasbro was one of the first companies to recognize the value in endowing a toy with a fantasy life, a practice that has become increasingly commonplace.
In fact, it has become increasingly commonplace for entire retail environments.
But one of the cruel consequences of people living longer is that dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease, is increasingly commonplace.
Even more cause for work-force anxiety is the increasingly commonplace and entirely legal practice of corporate snooping.
Criminal psychopaths are an increasingly commonplace element in our society.
Some elements of the operation, like letter-writing campaigns and demands for corrections, are increasingly commonplace in organized efforts to sway the press.