The Army altered the parapet and modernized the armament, but defense of Charleston centered increasingly around newly created Fort Sumter.
The trade publishing operations became increasingly centered in San Diego, the base of the children's and paperback arms.
More important, she found her own voice, spinning yarns of rural life that increasingly centered on struggling African-American survivors like herself.
From this point on, Royal government became increasingly centered upon Westminster, which steadily became the de facto capital.
During these centuries, piety centered increasingly on Jesus the man.
Implementation of promised political reforms was almost nil, and criticism of government policies became increasingly centered on Mujib.
During the summer of 1976, the bulk of Aeroamerica's activities increasingly centred on Berlin Tegel, making it West Berlin's leading charter airline at the time.
Blame increasingly centered on the key operative, Oliver North.
Despite some improvement in the economic situation during the first half of 1975, implementation of promised political reforms was slow, and criticism of government policies became increasingly centered on Mujib.
However, as the story progressed, the comic became increasingly centered on the new role of the United Nations, the direction that was supported by many Japanese leftists.