They rode up in the elevator without speaking and walked down the hall to her room, Lucas feeling increasingly awkward.
These situations intersect in ways that are ruefully droll at first, then increasingly awkward as tensions rise.
But since the Chinese crackdown on democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989, the match has seemed increasingly awkward.
The transition to fibreglass construction made the existing rules increasingly awkward.
Bink found this increasingly awkward.
The dates have become increasingly awkward.
Pregnancy Info states that the missionary position may become increasingly awkward for pregnant women as their belly begins to grow.
He would have been perfectly happy to let the conversation, which was becoming increasingly awkward, die right there.
The United States is not the only nation finding it increasingly awkward to tolerate a Janus-faced policy on smoking.
Trish and Russel go for a drive, with Russel getting increasingly awkward.