Flushed with confidence, Connolly became increasingly arbitrary and high-handed.
Despite such entertaining descriptions, the reader has a hard time caring about Martin's post-hospital adventures - adventures that come to feel increasingly arbitrary and repetitious.
But six years later, his rule has turned increasingly arbitrary.
The police arrests seemed increasingly arbitrary.
When he came to power he promised to liberalize the political system, but he has exercised an increasingly arbitrary and personalized style of rule.
The main reason is that from 1397 his policies became increasingly arbitrary.
As these slowly lost out to the clerical brethren, the general was forced to become increasingly arbitrary in his government during his second generalship beginning in 1232.
The terror became increasingly arbitrary, hitting out at lesser nobles, merchants and peasants.
It was not that they necessarily had more energy, but that the division between sleep and waking had become an indistinct, increasingly arbitrary thing.
For reasons that seem increasingly arbitrary, cable has a far freer rein, and not just for running movies and comedy acts uncensored.