Under his leadership the church moved away from Roman loyalties and became increasingly aligned with the Nestorian movement, declared heretical in the Roman Empire.
The investigators claimed that, sectarian divides have deepened, as "ethnic and religious minority groups have increasingly aligned themselves with parties to the conflict", raising the possibility of reprisal killings and prolonged violence that could last for years after the government falls.
With France's debt at risk of an imminent downgrade, its interests are increasingly aligned with those of countries like Italy.
In foreign relations, the SRVN became increasingly aligned with the Soviet Union by joining the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon), and signing a Friendship Pact, which was in fact a military alliance, with the Soviet Union.
During the 1990s Green Anarchist came under the helm of an editorial collective that included Paul Rogers, Steve Booth and others, during which period the publication became increasingly aligned with primitivism, an anti-civilization philosophy advocated by writers such as John Zerzan, Bob Black and Fredy Perlman.
Under his leadership, the Persian Church became increasingly aligned with the Nestorian movement, declared heretical in the Roman Empire.
Our starting point is that, over the years, the working conditions for agents interprètes de conference (AICs) have been increasingly aligned to the rules of the Staff Regulations.
They are increasingly aligned with the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), putting development cooperation and aid in second place.
Dolliver soon reconciled with Cummins, and became increasingly aligned with Cummins in his party's progressive wing.
By the time of the controversial discussions, however, Sharpe had taken a more nuanced attitude to Kleinianism, which saw her increasingly aligned with the Middle Group of British psychoanalysts.