Therefore, the general price level increased more than threefold in the 1938-1948 period.
In the 1920s, the population increased nearly threefold, from 19,558 to 57,381.
At the same time, the paper's news budget increased more than threefold.
This time, their generosity has increased more than threefold, to $333 million.
The gap increases threefold among those 65 or older to 33 percent.
The gap increases threefold by the time they are 44.
It was an immediate success and orders increased threefold in one year.
In real dollars, per pupil spending has increased threefold since the mid-1960's.
Over the years, our stock increased more than threefold, and this year we are offering 25 different varieties.
The number of carriers increased threefold to accommodate the extra business to and from the station.