China and Namibia have developed close economic relations, with trade increasing twofold between the two countries from 2003-2006.
Two daily roundtrips, one a mixed train, were common, though this frequency could increase more than twofold on Summer weekends.
Likewise, the percentage of children living in households headed by women increased twofold, to 23.3 percent from 11 percent, during that period.
It is estimated that within 20 years, worldwide prevalence will increase twofold.
Its members, numbering sixty five at the time of inauguration, increased twofold before he died six years later.
This may include the "pill free" week where lamotrigine serum levels have been shown to increase twofold.
It is estimated that the demand for chocolate will increase twofold by the year 2050.
Brennan's batting progressed in 1951, his average increasing twofold to 15.81 from 7.80 of the previous season.
During 1984, the number of towns meeting the new urban criteria increased more than twofold, and the urban town population doubled.
With the discovery of previously hidden land, national income increased twofold.