The survival time, over all, increased to 35.6 months from 28.3 months.
On appeal, the jail sentence was increased to seven months.
By 1926 the government planned to train 10,000 conscripts annually and to increase the training period to six months.
This age has since increased to four to six months.
To compensate for this, the course length was increased to eight months and split into two segments.
In 2001, after the guideline change, this 23-month sentence was increased to 73 months.
Caseworker training has increased, she said, from 4 weeks of instruction to 10 months.
The security services would like to increase the time to three months.
An amendment increased this to 18 months in 1941.
The time it takes to process such claims would double, he said, increasing from three months to six months.