Bank deposits also increased in 2012 by 8% to 125 billion dollars, 82 percent of the sector's assets.
By August 2012, that has increased to more than $121 million dollars donated to fund over 291,000 projects to help 6,900,000 students.
The level and type of adaptive devices required can easily increase costs to several thousand dollars.
The American defence budget increased to 12 billion dollars in 1958.
From 1992-2002 Mascot increased its turnover to total 300 million dollars.
The strategy includes increasing the annual budget to 225 million dollars.
My salary was increased to forty dollars a week.
Volume of trade exchange between the two countries is expected to increase to two billion dollars.
I found that out when the lawyer called back this morning, to increase his offer to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
It announced that my disability compensation was being increased to approximately eighty dollars a month.