The increase in energy costs, which also includes natural gas, gasoline and heating oil prices, could slow economic growth around the world next year.
Many economists fear that another big increase could slow the economy too much.
Since the current round of violence began in September 2000, the increase has slowed to about 5 percent annually, according to official figures.
Such an increase, many economists fear, would spark inflation and slow the economy even further.
And the increase in the labor force has slowed markedly because many more people have stopped looking for jobs.
The increase may have slowed business somewhat, but many workers are still hired for four or five days each week.
In some areas, the increase in cases has slowed, but no one makes much of that yet.
"In the 80's, while the numbers are still going up, the increase is slowing, especially among black families."
"But obviously a sufficiently large increase in oil prices would slow the growth of the economy."
Property values have risen 10 to 15 percent a year since 2002, according to real estate agents, though the increase has slowed in recent months.