"You must increase your grip and armed struggle."
I tried to jerk my arm back, but he just increased his grip.
On an ironic cue, the criminal increased his grip, forcing me to cry for help.
But the ambiguity of steroids' effects may have, in an odd way, increased their grip on the game.
Ruthless fury filled him and he increased his grip without mercy.
Fianchettoing with 8 Bg2 increases White's grip on the d5 square.
Ladder stabilizers are available that increase the ladder's grip on the ground.
When the muscles there only tightened more, he increased his grip.
But he sat idly by as Shulman increased his grip on space with 31 f4, 32 h4, 34 g4 and 35 h5.
But she only increased her grip, burrowing her face further into his throat.