S.E.C. officials said their review would examine whether new rules were needed to increase regulatory monitoring of the firms or encourage competition.
The company also set up a toll-free number so workers could call to complain about mistreatment by subcontractors, and it agreed to increase monitoring of their practices.
The agencies could also, after a showing of probable cause to judges, vastly increase monitoring of telephone and Internet communications, wire transfers of money and tax records.
There are concerns that surveillance vigilance has decreased, and renewed efforts are being made to increase monitoring.
Most of the measures, like requiring verbatim records and increasing the justices' training and monitoring, can be instituted through orders from Judge Kaye, effective immediately.
The Osaka Police Department says plans are on the board to increase monitoring of computer bulletin boards used to distribute and sell illegal pornography.
EPA is requiring the companies to increase monitoring and prepare a contingency plan to provide an alternate water source.
We must therefore increase monitoring, apply the early detection principle for any use of blood, and ensure traceability from donor to recipient.
It is therefore necessary to take measures to increase monitoring, detection and correction.