An athlete will need to keep the same sleep cycle to help him or her feel energized, increase metabolism, and also prevent injuries.
The capsules, recommended by a friend, sounded wonderful: they were supposed to increase metabolism to help the body burn off fat.
A follow-up study in 2007 by the same research center confirmed that drinking plain water does increase metabolism.
However a study by a different research center in 2006 failed to confirm that drinking water significantly increases metabolism.
There are ways to increase metabolism, including exercise (aerobic and strength training).
Such processing causes the involved area of the brain to increase metabolism and "light up" on the scan.
Studies have shown that one cup of American coffee can increase metabolism by about 3% to 4% for a short period of time.
"Strength training builds muscles, which increases metabolism and burns more calories."
The adrenal medulla increases available energy; heart rate; and metabolism.
Plus certain spices like black pepper and ginger may even increase metabolism.