His class sizes had increased to over 50 students in some cases.
In Sotogrande average property prices have remained the same or increased, in some cases up to 45%.
All four banks also increased their loan-loss reserves, in some cases sharply.
In the last three years, 23 states have increased cigarette and tobacco taxes, in some cases to generate additional money for health care.
Driving standards on the whole improved during the eighties and certainly average speeds increased, in some cases dramatically.
The perception that employers are asking for a free ride has increased workplace tensions in some cases.
A lost tail may increase the chance of sickness in the gecko and in some cases kill it, but this is very rare.
Meanwhile, the Council is looking at a plan to increase the matching fund ratio to eight to one in some cases, further driving up the program's costs.
Take white women, for example: There's evidence that treatment may actually increase risk of heart attacks in some cases.
The existence of a tax can increase economic efficiency in some cases.