Even modest sea-level rises could increase flooding of coastal lands like Bangladesh, Florida and even Manhattan.
The fact that Surabaya is located in a river delta and has a flat and relatively low elevation also increases flooding.
The pressure difference creates storm surges that have increased coastal flooding in recent years.
Scientists now understand the levees have increased flooding, and the region was severely damaged due to the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.
Much of the increase in precipitation is expected to come not from the steady, gentle rains favored by farmers, however, but from heavy storms that could increase flooding.
With rapid urbanization the forests have been replaced by impervious surfaces-roofs, roads, parking lots-and stormwater runoffs have increased flooding.
It would increase annual flooding in the floodplain of Bangali River.
The largest task continues to be removing evergreen thornless blackberry, which quickly clogs the creek and increases flooding.
An underground multi-storey car park is planned which campaigners say may increase flooding in Oxford due to its location on the flood plain.
Increased run-off from developed areas along the creek has increased flooding in Martinez, a low-lying city built on a flood plain, in recent decades.