The record shows that during the 1980s we were able both to increase public expenditure in real terms by about 20 percent.
Taken overall, this would not increase expenditure but rather reduce it.
In recent years, Argentina has made efforts to increase public expenditure on research and technology, but it remains at a relatively low level.
Therefore, it is essential to increase expenditure in order to develop the democratic structures of these countries.
I support the recommendation of this report to increase expenditure on consumer protection by 15 % for the period 1999 to 2003.
As a result, Kennedy increased military and defense expenditures.
The Government have promised to increase public expenditure and are promising to cut income taxes.
"Our dire need is to increase expenditure - not control it," he said.
If branches take up the suggestions made in this paper they may find themselves having to increase annual expenditure.
Or a financial crisis like that over savings and loans increases expenditure.