This "could be used in clinical trials that are testing treatments that aim to increase the child's interest and engagement with the social world."
They are also looking for ways to increase engagement even further by creating custom communities and incentive programs.
Bimber takes into account the one-step flow information environment, but shows what conditions are needed to increase or foster participation and engagement.
This was intended to be a campaign to increase voter turnout, engagement and awareness by promoting democracy.
They seek to increase personal engagement and positive outcomes by rewarding contributors in an open way.
It would be eminently more helpful to discuss ways to counter fraud and to increase civic engagement in American elections.
It aims to increase "access to and engagement with world-class music-making."
There are a range of factors, known as drivers, that are thought to increase overall engagement.
His master's thesis focused on increasing civic engagement among youth.
These free, easy-to-use communication tools can expand the reach of your health messages and help increase public engagement.