That month it was announced that the album would be released globally to increase donations.
This was not a case of aid officials exaggerating the peril in a bid to increase donations.
Combining a deduction for all taxpayers with a floor, however, could both increase donations and decrease the tax subsidy.
Thus, the hospitals are relying on their traditional ties to their communities to increase donations.
In 1995, the student body managed to increase donations to $12,000, and sent this money to Rwanda.
Seeking to make up for sharp cuts in Federal financing, the organization hopes to increase private donations and restructure the way it presents events.
It is too soon to tell whether the catalogue has increased donations.
In the past few years, health policy experts, physicians and bioethicists have been grappling with ways to increase donations.
After focusing its fund-raising efforts on its programs to prevent low birth weight, the group was able to increase donations.
Along with program changes, the station's pleas for money moved listeners to increase donations 37 percent last year, to $1.3 million.