The red capsules will increase the player character's attack power by allowing him to create body images of himself that will mimic his movement.
It can also increase revenues by allowing Comcast to sell local and regional advertisers a larger audience.
If approved, this amendment would also increase term limits by allowing them to serve three consecutive four-year terms.
Phase II increased this by allowing around 30 additional countries access at low cost.
We continuously increase the market for new games by allowing customers to trade in games that they are no longer playing.
To save the system, we must increase that by allowing younger workers to make safe, sound investments that yield a higher rate of return.
Our focus should be enabling market solutions over government mandates that increase competition by allowing insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines.
Openness increases confidence in institutions by allowing open debate.
Computer networks increase productivity by allowing workers to share information easily.
The first is a separate condenser, which increases the efficiency of the engine by allowing the main cylinder to remain hot at all times.