Recent reforms in the country's banking system and pledges by the government to increase assistance to farmers have yet to make their mark here.
They also promised to take aggressive steps to increase humanitarian assistance to civilians there.
Instead, the administration has emphasized a more collaborative approach, offering companies increased technical assistance, for instance, on how to comply with regulations.
For young women there is a pledge to increase financial assistance at childbirth by a factor of 10.
But at a time of extreme budget constraints, the Administration would be hard pressed to increase military assistance to Israel.
Mr. Bush should increase developmental assistance to Africa now.
Nonetheless, he continued to press for debt relief and a new global human order in which developed countries would increase assistance to less developed nations.
We plan to increase assistance to the outside without conditionality on reforms.
I think it is essential to increase financial assistance for countries which are engaged in helping refugees.
Until this afternoon, it appeared that a compromise to increase assistance for schools to remove asbestos would break the deadlock.