Often they are unofficially and incorrectly shown as "Oceanview" instead of the correct "Ocean View" (with a space).
It was incorrectly shown as having a horn on its head.
Plus, there were very few large cleared areas (as also shown incorrectly in the lithograph).
Kitchener is incorrectly shown as wearing the insignia of a full general, a higher rank than he in fact held at that time.
This was not the first time the name had been incorrectly shown: British Railways made the same mistake on large enamel signs in the late 1950s.
His date of birth is also shown incorrectly.
The section east of Szczecin is incorrectly shown as an existing motorway.
Typically in motion picture or electronic entertainment, the effects of an EMP are incorrectly shown as temporary.
Note: Coordinates were incorrectly shown in ddmmss format on the program.
The proper spelling is "Petite" not "Petit" as shown incorrectly in the heading above.