But in the last three months of 2003, it predicted incorrectly that prices would fall.
He incorrectly predicted 200 years as the longest period of growth, followed by population stability.
The product of allylic 1,2-diols is incorrectly predicted by this model.
The missile and antimissile would not collide if the future were predicted incorrectly.
But after incorrectly predicting the end of the world in 1994, Camping's prophecies have been met with derision.
Wind tunnel testing incorrectly predicted the craft's ability to compensate for course deviation.
For example, for binary classification problems, each case in the validation set is either predicted correctly or incorrectly.
In his budget request last year, Mr. Bush predicted incorrectly that the recession would be "short and shallow."
"Long incorrectly predicted that the Treen-Edwards showdown would be "a close race.
Two or three hundred Britons alone had been killed, Tony Blair incorrectly predicted.