But Federal officials said that the state figures had been interpreted incorrectly.
Families often incorrectly interpret this behavior to mean the child does not really understand or has already gotten over the death.
The notion of adequate means is incorrectly interpreted by governments.
A few scientists think that data is being interpreted incorrectly by people who are already worried about global warming.
The French term is often incorrectly interpreted as meaning "sheep rock"
Some people have incorrectly interpreted velocity to mean the time between receipt of income and when it is spent.
There are also some significant parameters which are interpreted incorrectly.
What's more, up to 77% incorrectly interpreted the data when looking at a combined height/weight measurement chart.
I repeat: what I said was either incorrectly interpreted or may have been unclear.
There is, therefore, a real need to define the principles of protection precisely in order to prevent them from being interpreted incorrectly by various investors.