I have a serial on the stands now; I don't suppose that you want to publish another serial by me for a year, at least-or have I incorrectly estimated the commercial restrictions.
This means that if the sniper incorrectly estimated the distance as 700 meters when the target was in fact 800 meters away, the bullet will be 200 millimeters lower than expected by the time it reaches the target.
His attempt fails when he incorrectly estimates the weight of the idol.
Due to both sampling and coding issues, the national surveys may incorrectly estimate the number of revascularization procedures.
The atmosphere complicated efforts to determine a rotation period for the planet, and observers such as Italian-born astronomer Giovanni Cassini and Schröter incorrectly estimated periods of about 24 hours from the motions of markings on the planet's apparent surface.
He claimed that Arnold's account showed that Arnold was incorrectly estimating his height, believing himself level to mountains four thousand feet below him giving him erroneous estimates of the level, distance, and speed of the objects.
Seemed likely (98.3 percent by Mike's later calculation) that interceptors were exploding by radar fusing with set distances that incorrectly estimated vulnerability of solid cylinders of rock.
We incorrectly estimated the effort needed for this first garage, and this opened the door to errors.
But then I incorrectly estimated the length of time since he last directed.
Although some sources incorrectly estimate the number of interred as 300,000 in Père Lachaise, according to official website of the city of Paris; to date, one million people have been buried there.