The saga, by the way, had the politically incorrect title, "The Stinky Yiddishe Maidel."
Several songs were presented with incorrect titles (actual titles noted in parentheses below).
Upon the movie's release, Fryar quickly received a number of complaints from English teachers because he appeared in a movie with the grammatically incorrect title.
The incorrect title is derived from the recurring lyric "I'll see you on the dark side of the moon", the latter half of which is the album's title.
Many listeners and viewers casually referred to the show with the incorrect title The Hit Parade.
Reprinted (with an incorrect and misleading title) as: Boston Cooking School Cook Book.
They can pass on any tunes and come back if time permits, for one incorrect title ends the game automatically.
One historian notes that the play "is, despite its politically incorrect title, a prominent defense of miscegenation"
Thanks to FrisbeeG for pointing out the incorrect title.
Minor errors would include things like a misspelled name or an incorrect title, house number or postcode.