An article in Business Day on Tuesday about June automobile sales included incorrect figures for light trucks.
An early version of this article gave an incorrect figure for the number of reports covering the years of war in Afghanistan.
Other figures in the chart, based on the incorrect figure, were also in error.
Republicans said they were angered by the incorrect figures in the report.
Through another editing error, the article gave an incorrect figure in some editions for the Pentagon's tally of downed allied planes.
The officials added that over the weekend the division of public information had disseminated an incorrect figure for the total in 1981, when the former mark was established.
Parallel Mistakes Empire officials said yesterday that they would look into why the incorrect figures were so close to some of those in the rate filings.
They say the survey is inaccurate because it is based on incorrect figures that the Prime Minister gave to parliament this year.
The firm, which submits incorrect figures year after year, is now on the Commission's top-ten list of most frequently used contractors.
Many secondary sources have reported a wide variety of incorrect figures for the size of the visible universe.