Shown below is an incorrect entry to a lutz, which is known as a "flutz."
Results are on a scale of 1 to 5, where 3 is average and 5 is highest; each incorrect entry understated the actual score by one point.
But even those who pay bills on time may have incorrect entries on their credit reports.
The incorrect entries should be fixed immediately.
Electronic lock includes operational lights for open, low battery warning and incorrect entry.
The only thing the court recognized were incorrect entries in the case history.
That error, which could cause walls to crack, was traced to the incorrect entry of data into a computer.
If you are expecting thousands of entries the format will need to be such that it is easy to eliminate incorrect entries.
If you decide to unlock it yourself with the code, be very careful when following the steps, as five incorrect entries will permanently lock the BlackBerry.
An incorrect entry in the Windows registry file may also interfere with Disk Cleanup.