Still others, probably those congregations started after the 1957 merger, have structures incorporating aspects of both, or other alternative organizational structures entirely.
After the 1860s, Austin's style changed with the times, incorporating structures in the Second Empire and Stick styles.
The mosque was built by Saqsiz Mirza in ca. 1442 (although it incorporated older structures dating back to 996) and covers 16,800 square meters.
According to Petersen, some of the deserted houses appeared to incorporate earlier structures, including transverse arches and cross-vaulted rooms, possibly of a medieval origin.
It incorporates ancient structures, but none of the old tiers of stones support load-bearing walls.
The plan was unusual for its time in not pursuing a "clean-slate" site, but rather incorporating existing structures.
Thus individuals become voluntary subjects of those incorporated mental structures that deprive them of more deliberate consumption.
Recent work has incorporated syntax or quasi-syntactic structures.
Some designers have incorporated buildings and structures on the site as part of the memorial.
Other mosques incorporated earlier structures (churches, khans, shops, ...).