It is impossible, sometimes, to specify just what causes the effect of a particular song: A long phrase that incorporates smaller gestures within it?
After summer art study in Mexico (1941), Hartwig began to incorporate gestures from that country's culture into her work.
He cited his fascination with the ways Ailey mixed classical and modern technique and his initial discomfort when Tharp insisted he incorporate eccentric personal gestures in the dance.
Mr. Schmidt does take a cue from Balanchine's view that classical ballet can incorporate vernacular gestures, but he comes up with something other than an imitation Balanchine ballet.
Mr. Byrd has reportedly incorporated movement phrases or gestures from the cast's prior roles into his own choreography.
Ms. Cummings's physical vocabulary incorporates moves and gestures that have become identified with black American dance and theater as signifiers of a particular Southern culture.
It incorporates gestures that vertebrates have been programmed to make - and to recognize in others - since amphibians and reptiles began making peace by lowering themselves to the ground in submission.
To emphasize that the dancers are not only making beautiful designs as they cross the stage but are also preaching in movement, Mr. Lubovitch incorporated gestures from the American Sign Language for the deaf into his choreography.
Mr. Welch, always fond of incorporating everyday gestures in his classical movement, does so with "Clear."
In both ballets he incorporated several conventional gestures in the ports de bras but also demanded greater emotional involvement from the dancers.