The cuisine of Vanuatu (aelan kakae) incorporates fish, root vegetables such as taro and yams, fruits, and vegetables.
Sometimes I also incorporate whole fruits and vegetables and a little brown rice.
The diet isn't by any means appropriate for a lifestyle, but it does help incorporate vegetable and fruits into an individual's meal plans.
"I find I incorporate gneiss and coal and long-threaded moss and fruits and grains and esculent roots,/And am stucco'd with quadrupeds and birds all over," he writes, as though he were the subject of a strange Renaissance portrait.
One way in which fast food restaurants try to contribute to children's good habit of eating nutritious fruits is through the kids meals which incorporate fruits in the package.
None of the plans was vegetarian, but the DASH plan incorporated more fruits and vegetables, low fat or nonfat dairy, beans, and nuts than the others studied.
The recipes promote healthy eating by incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and muscle-building proteins.
While the children ran and played, their mothers took a class on healthy cooking and the importance of incorporating fruits and vegetables into their diets.
The ancient understanding apparently did not conflict with the artistic rendering of created things, and the Bible describes the Tabernacle, and later the Temple, as having tapestries and objects incorporating cherubim, flowers, fruits, trees, and animals.
In the mid-to-late 19th century, baking powder finally became reliable, so cooks deconstructed those Old English-style cakes, incorporating their booze and fruits and nuts into fillings that they then put between layers of the newly possible light and airy cakes.