Even Cuban long-filler cigars will combine tobaccos from different parts of the island to incorporate several different flavors.
Once you hit on the form, incorporating exotic flavors and healthful components is a cinch.
Incorporating other flavors as you cook the sauce also boosts intensity, and adding bits of cooked meat or vegetables to the finished sauce can add bulk and texture.
(Mr. Evans's innovative dishes often incorporate familiar flavors: his succulent potato consommé is garnished with a cap of gelled sour cream and a drizzle of hot bacon fat.)
American-born chefs have come into their own in the last decade, using fresh seasonal ingredients and incorporating exotic flavors into dishes served in friendly, informal dining rooms.
Variations exist on the basic method of preparation that incorporate other flavors and fillings (see below).
And as the Web site has evolved, some of the recipes now incorporate African flavors into traditional Western dishes such as pizza and hamburgers.
Phở is meant to be savored, incorporating several different flavors: the sweet flavor of beef, sour lemons, salty fish sauce, and fresh vegetables.
Incorporating modal melodic flavors and more or less suspending themselves in time, Mr. Rands's flute, harp and trembling strings offered implicit homage to Debussy's "Afternoon of a Faun."
What I realized after cooking from the book is that many of the author's tarts incorporate flavors that would be just as successful in another incarnation.