Mr. Bihari said he later learned that his phony demise had cost his uncle about $25, not an inconsiderable sum.
In addition, he enjoyed the interest on the not inconsiderable sum of the step-daughter's money, for as long as that daughter lived with them.
And we pay the company a not inconsiderable sum for maintaining the Web site.
His fuel saving should average nearly $4,000, not an inconsiderable sum for a business with a total annual revenue of about $140,000.
He also gave the Foundation a large library, his archives and a not inconsiderable sum for the upkeep of the collections.
The agent finds an accountant in his office who is willing to put up with Laura for the not inconsiderable sum of $500 a day.
After much lobbying the club were finally given an option to purchase the site for the not inconsiderable sum of £3,250.
Everybody knows that Ben Ali is going to use this not inconsiderable sum to fund his presidential propaganda.
It is a not inconsiderable sum then, even if we lose nothing in the deal.
We hear Anglo Irish shelled out the not inconsiderable sum of £100,000 for the big man's services.