In comparison with the field, the shop, the factory, the mine, and the sea, the school has educated a very inconsiderable number; the vast majority of the race have been trained by toil.
They had been forced to leave almost all their materiel behind on the mainland and had lost a not inconsiderable number of prisoners.
At the same moment, my just departed coffee carrier, who had obviously seen me counting my change through the glass door, walked back in and dropped a not inconsiderable number of coins into my open change-holding palm.
But there are a not inconsiderable number of compensatory perks that go with the job.
This is not an inconsiderable number.
Since Eddorian minds were involved, however, you already realize that its solution will require the evaluation of many millions of factors and will consume a not inconsiderable number of your years .
This papal condemnation was a great shock to many of his followers, who included a not inconsiderable number of French clergy, and caused great damage to the Action Française.
And what is wrong with honoring the not inconsiderable number who did in fact refuse to collaborate?
Knighton is situated close to the Staffordshire/Shropshire border in undulating agricultural land featuring a not inconsiderable number of endemic hardwood trees.