The building houses the Waverly Income Maintenance Center, an incongruously named city office for people largely without any income to maintain.
The success of the cruise led to a second cruise, incongruously named "Ships and Dip III", held January 27 - February 1, 2008.
Doomsday, incongruously named given his innocent and childlike characterization, had the ability to communicate with animals and spoke constantly about food.
The Yugo and its more upmarket model, the incongruously named Florida Business, will never survive a modern market, conceded Mr. Eric, a thin, lugubrious man.
At midnight the incongruously named An Evening with Petula - Petula Clark in concert from the Royal Albert Hall - was the first transmission.
Later they were incongruously named Hope.
Enoch turned out to be an incongruously named Spaniard who carried, of all things, a cheap, hardbound Bible, the kind you would find in a hotel or a pew.
I am not sure whether we replaced your copy of that incongruously named book 'Sunshine Miners'.
For dinner that night we headed to Versailles, the incongruously named Cuban restaurant on Calle Ocho, as Southwest Eighth Street is known locally.
If you're walking down La Rambla in Barcelona and happen to pass the incongruously named Café Viena, it's a good bet your impulse will be to keep walking.