Feeling so helpless, she finds herself drifting into incongruous thought: "I think, why don't I go to Afghanistan and talk to the people.
A joke is regarded as an incongruous thought that slips past the barriers of suppressors and censors.
The incongruous thought arose totally unbidden, causing Geary to pretend to cough so he wouldn't laugh instead.
I had an incongruous thought: Simone and I were the only females there.
An incongruous thought made me look away from him, to the thick-shouldered rider in the host.
Nell had the incongruous thought that the woman was knitting, until she saw that the ball was moving.
It was the sort of incongruous thought that drifted through a stunned mind, and right then she felt as if a mast had fallen on her head.
Long strands of yellow police tape kept the onlookers at bay, which triggered a wholly incongruous thought in Cindy's mind.
She had the incongruous thought that she still had her own key to this place and she wondered if Lillian had changed the locks.
The incongruous thought that his landlord was going to have his hide for this damage flashed through Alec's aching head, and he almost smiled.