THE Brown elections are actually a perfect example of the inconclusive nature of this debate.
Chris nodded, deciding on the spur of the moment not to mention the inconclusive nature of the engagement.
The ruling's inconclusive nature disappointed environmentalists, who contend that thousands of acres of wetlands have been lost.
The inconclusive nature of the empirical tests may suggest something about the validity of the tests themselves rather than the significance or otherwise of dividends.
The inconclusive nature of the war would lead to the next war in 1765.
The inconclusive nature of this war would lead to more wars that would go on until 1854.
Some panels are blank, symbolic of the inconclusive nature of any memorial to a service group.
Given the admittedly inconclusive nature of the available research, I remain concerned about unintended negative consequences of this fundamental change in city elections.
Howard said they only discussed the inconclusive nature of the video footage.
The majority's narrow focus and the inconclusive nature of the opinion may have reflected a dispute among the eight members of the majority.