This is an incomplete count, as the humanitarian and international organizations compiling the figures do not have access to much of the conflict area; only women who have reported for treatment are included.
They contend that the combination of institutional and individuals figures gives "an incomplete and biased count" of fatalities during the famine.
The Government put casualties at 23 dead and 23 wounded in what it said was an incomplete count.
An incomplete count showed Mr. Bush leading Mr. Gore by 1,784 votes, or three one-hundredths of one percent of the votes cast.
Mr. Eagleburger said that when he went to Panama last week, an incomplete count of Panamanian dead stood at 400, including military casualties.
So, as provided under Florida law, I have decided to contest this inaccurate and incomplete count in order to insure the greatest possible credibility for the outcome.
The Burmese Government put casualties in the crackdown at 23 dead and said it was an incomplete count.
Official results are not yet known but an incomplete count gives Elbegdorj 53.7% of the vote, with results from some far-flung areas not known.
Instead of cashing in on the Government's unpopularity, the Motherland Party scraped together only 21.2 percent, according to the incomplete count.
Although the incomplete count showed Mr. Zedilllo winning by a sizable margin, he had less than 50 percent of the vote.