This act was an effort to replace incompetent officials.
He deposed incompetent officials and promoted the talented people who were hidden in the lower ranks due to their lack of connections.
Prior to Collier, criticism of BIA had been directed at corrupt and incompetent officials rather than the policies.
Instead, American officials concluded that corrupt or incompetent Mexican officials were sitting on their request.
To the Editor: Without question, voters have the right to recall incompetent or corrupt public officials (front page, Aug. 11).
When they aren't being incompetent, city officials like to relax with a little corruption.
They argue that the airline operated flights with too few crew members, promoted incompetent officials, and carried out substandard overhaul work on aircraft, among other flaws.
While there is no shortage of incompetent public officials involved in this tragedy, one stands out above the rest.
But they have another motive: They consider most elected officials incompetent or worse.
Policies to improve worker attitudes, remove incompetent officials, reduce corruption and alcoholism and modernize industrial equipment accounted for some of the gains, the report said.