For the flip side of the relationship, the character Courtney is typically used to highlight incompetent retail employees.
They say they don't want a system that shields incompetent and criminal employees from accountability.
In this method, the incompetent employee is simply promoted to another position in another division.
Throughout, Sophie is a wisecracking underdog: a mediocre student and then a borderline incompetent employee, always unsure of the path her professional life should take.
Countries transitioning to democracy and peace often utilize such processes to ensure that abusive or incompetent public employees are excluded from public service.
Peter suggests a lateral arabesque, or giving an incompetent employee a longer title with less responsibility.
Peter also recommends percussive sublimation as a way to get an incompetent employee out of a manager's hair.
It should also be much easier to sack inefficient and incompetent employees.
There does exist the opportunity to dismiss incompetent employees on the basis of Article 52 of the staff regulations.
They think it's everyone else's problem - obnoxious boss, difficult wife, incompetent employees.