The German officer in command of the island was called von Braun, and everyone thought he must have been an incompetent bastard to be sent somewhere like this.
For those of you who think civil servants are lazy incompetent bastards, look around you - they're everywhere.
"I'll make you burn in hell, you stupid, incompetent bastard," she told him.
"They knew you were coming, you incompetent bastard!"
"Lazy incompetent bastards," he said loudly as he stalked out the door.
"You're damned incompetent bastards," Tyler yelled even louder, "all of you."
I'll tell you what she isn't; she's no sacred shrine to the incompetent bastards who sailed her or the rich blighters who went down with her!
Brown, the incompetent bastard, has played true to Labour tradition and bankrupted us.
It wasn't that he was unprepared to shoot the arrogant, incompetent bastard in command of the artillery.