Gorton proved to be a surprisingly poor media performer and public speaker, and was portrayed by the media as a foolish and incompetent administrator.
The proposal would expedite misconduct hearings, increase accountability and create a new forum for evaluating competence and removing incompetent administrators.
University officials tried to show throughout the three-week trial that he was deposed only because he was an incompetent administrator.
I am not suggesting that governing boards have hired incompetent administrators.
Much of public education's decline is due to incompetent and indifferent administrators who are consumed by the political machinations of large institutions.
Traditionally, incompetent classroom teachers acquire degrees in administration and become incompetent administrators.
Her reign runs into problems from massive debt from before and during the war, compounded by her incompetent administrators' inability to resolve the situation.
University officials contended in their defense that they removed Dr. Jeffries as chairman because he was an incompetent administrator.
He was widely attacked, not only by his former opponents, as an incompetent administrator and for allowing city services to deteriorate.
To do otherwise, Mr. Skinner said, would have been "to keep an incompetent lame-duck administrator who is with controversy in a job to protect yourself politically."