Some scientists noted that the earth reflected about 30 percent of incoming sunlight back into space and absorbed the rest.
The most noticeable pattern in the time series is the influence of seasonal temperature changes and incoming sunlight on water vapor.
This makes the cloud brighter and more reflective to incoming sunlight, especially in the near-infrared part of the spectrum.
Earth reflects about 30 percent of the incoming sunlight back into space.
They also bounce back, absorb and scatter incoming sunlight to an unknown extent.
Outside, climbing vines obscured the single large window and dimmed incoming sunlight.
On average, Earth reflects about 30 percent of the incoming sunlight, but that varies day to day and hour to hour.
At first the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increased slowly, because the effect of incoming sunlight isn't particularly dramatic.
This increases the amount of energy gathered from the direct component of the incoming sunlight.
He saw her then as she stepped into the pool of incoming sunlight.