She was too rushed for a while after lunch to think about it, being busy with incoming patients.
Einstein's trauma team now uses them to receive vital data about incoming patients.
There is an incoming patient that requires assistance.
State mental health officials predict a decline in the number of incoming patients.
Most of our incoming patients," said the other, "are in no condition to walk, talk, look around them, or argue with their nurse.
Either that or screen all incoming patients, turn away the infected ones.
As time progresses, new equipment will need to be built in order to cope with incoming patients.
However, incoming patients were released within a few months, due to updates in healthcare, thus helping to ease the overcrowding problem.
"You're going to your room," the orderly said, preoccupied with maneuvering Laurie's bed to allow the incoming patient to get by.
Her mind was anywhere but on her incoming patient.