"I'm watching for incoming objects," said Jane.
One noteworthy flaw in Star Raiders is that it is possible for the player to avoid incoming objects, while stationary, simply by rotating the ship.
Theoretically, the Block I version on the Vincennes could fire 4,500 rounds each minute within two seconds of detecting an incoming object that matched its threat parameters.
The system's computer analyses the input signals, to confirm that the threat is real, and then directs a beam of an eye-safe infrared laser at the incoming object.
The Yakuza opened fire with their M-i6's, completely shredding the incoming object.
No craters are smaller than 3 km, because of the effects of the dense atmosphere on incoming objects.
The basket sensed the incoming object, saw that it would miss, and scuffled over to catch it.
Cilantro swatted her hand away as Schuster turned the yoke hard to starboard, bringing the sub around to directly face the incoming object.
They would only draw more power when the ship began to move again, or when sensors picked up incoming objects.
After all the searching, not one of Earth's giant telescopes had had its instruments bearing on the incoming object.