He shouted, to make himself heard above the clatter of the next incoming helicopter.
"There's a familiar old tune," Sampson said as he saw the fluttering lights of an incoming helicopter approaching from the northeast.
On the radar scope a blip indicating the incoming helicopter moved nearer.
He crouched in the hatch as the cars roared around the building, squarely into what he hoped would be the path of the incoming helicopters.
M The incoming helicopter roared overhead.
As the soldiers recuperated in their beds, the thumping of incoming helicopters was audible outside, as more wounded came in from the battlefields of Lebanon.
After passing word to saddle up, I watched as the company prepared to board the incoming helicopters.
"Conn, Sonar, we have incoming helicopters, from the bearing to Friendly One."
Those incoming helicopters were probably intended to ferry out the POWs once they were freed.
Before I can get one for myself, I hear the pulsing thumps of incoming helicopters.