No more than five seconds passed before he heard incoming fighters and their streams of cannon rounds and rockets.
Shirhansu watched the northerners react to her own incoming fighters.
He had spent the last hour with his finger poised above the button that would assign missiles to the incoming fighters.
Takada implemented a standard test for all of the incoming fighters at his dojo.
Fleeing the Mollies, the incoming fighters, and away from the jump point.
The incoming fighters started a descent at thirty miles that accelerated to well over three times the speed of sound, heading directly at the Megafortress.
The twenty fighters that had been loitering just north of them were fully engaged with the incoming Turkish fighters.
Patrick immediately locked onto the incoming fighter, waited until it got within range, then fired.
They detected incoming fighters while still five minutes from their launch points.
Per Pok chose to target all the offen- sive weaponry he had on only one of the incoming fighters.