Older investors often need safe, income-producing investments.
The strategy that's looking most appealing to tax-avoiders right now is to cash in on income-producing investments like utility stocks and invest instead in so-called growth vehicles.
Now might be the time to invest in some heavy income-producing investments that otherwise wouldn't have made sense.
He can then switch to an income-producing investment, and that income could be used to supplement his company pension plan.
High-yielding stocks are likely to become more popular, he added, as baby boomers enter retirement and begin searching for income-producing investments.
"Blenheim" was not supported by a vast plantation but by income-producing investments and inherited lands and wealth.
Some retired clients are mainly in income-producing investments like bonds that have chugged merrily along during the market's precipitous fall.
An income-producing investment bought from an insurance company, which pays a guaranteed annual income throughout your lifetime.
Now the rental income is below the threshold to make it an income-producing investment.
This was largely the result of declining interest rates on safe, income-producing investments such as bond and treasury bill, though this was not the only problem.