C Map Crafts sold here are produced in income-generating projects throughout the country.
The final source of revenue has been through income-generating projects, including a farm, shop, and room/van rental to visitors.
With that goal in mind, a number of income-generating projects have been pursued to generate revenue within the local Kakamega economy.
Dairy cows, honey bees, and laying hens are the other agricultural portion of the income-generating projects.
It plans to become sustainable through charging a small tuition to its more affluent students, and by utilizing income-generating projects in its schools.
Other income-generating projects include beekeeping (honey production), candlemaking, catering, and massage.
The women in the camps are beginning to work in small income-generating projects, mostly handicraft production, dividing whatever they earn between every family.
And also we have some income-generating projects for women, like carpet weaving.
In 2010, the ministry funded income-generating projects for associations and centres for disabled people.
The income from the low fees is supplemented by income-generating projects (which also teach the students important business and vocational skills).