Since the end of 1983, annual net income tripled to more than $257 million, on $2.5 billion in revenues, for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30.
"Our sales and gross income have tripled in the last nine months."
During that period, net income more than tripled to $175 million in 1990.
Over the past three decades, the after-tax income of the top one percent of Americans has nearly tripled.
For the fiscal year as a whole, net income more than tripled to 221.1 billion yen, or $1.78 billion.
Operating expenses had increased more than fivefold while income had nearly tripled.
Their collective incomes nearly tripled, climbing from $3,586,000 to $9,544,000.
Operating income almost tripled to $6.1 million, although losses widened in part because of higher interest expenses.
However, net income tripled to $309 million because of gains in the company's foreign exchange and derivatives positions.
In the 1986 fiscal year, its net income nearly tripled, to $32.2 million, from $11.4 million in 1985.